Open Banking, AI and women in Fintech — Hot topics at Finovate Europe 2020

Open Banking, AI and women in Fintech — Hot topics at Finovate Europe 2020

Hiba Chamas

Each year the Meniga team heads over to one of our favorite events — Finovate Europe in London. This year, however, the event took place in the wonderful city of Berlin. With just over 1200 attendees from financial institutions, 150+ speakers and 50+ start-ups competing for best of the show, this event was a gathering of the best of the best of the Fintech world.

Keynote addresses were given by thought leaders from around the globe on the vast range of topics that surround our current landscape in the industry. The Power Panels were filled with a diverse group of leaders who discussed topics from Open Banking to AI, to women in fintech.

A favorite panel discussion of ours. We even had the opportunity to speak with each of the leaders.

A highlight for us was Meaghan Johnson’s (co-host of Breaking Banks) talk “The Secret Sauce to a Killer Customer Experience” where she used Meniga’s TMRW app as the example of great customer experience. According to Johnson, the TMRW app incorporates all the key elements towards the perfect customer experience: time, relevance, personalisation, and predictiveness.

Another favourite keynote speaker addressed 5G and its impact on digital solutions for both banks and Fintechs. The speaker emphasized 3 critical elements to 5G and their potential effect on customer experience: speed, capacity, and latency. Although 5G seems far away, it is imminent. The sooner banks and Fintechs are prepared, the better.

Another packed room on a topic close to our hearts, Open Banking.

The buzz and excitement around the development of Meniga’s Carbon Insights kept us at the forefront of many of the attendees. Carbon Insights empowers customers of established Financial Institutions to contribute to the fight against climate change.

It was an amazing 3 days in Berlin and we congratulate Finovate Europe for putting together yet another super successful event!

About Finovate

The Finovate Group is a research and events firm focused on innovation in financial and banking technology.

Its team runs the Finovate conference series and authors the popular Finovate blog. Finovate is the only conference series focused exclusively on showcasing the best and most innovative new financial and banking technologies.

Finovate conferences consistently attract large, high-impact audiences of senior financial and banking executives, venture capitalists, press, industry analysts, bloggers, regulators, and entrepreneurs. Finovate’s annual events include FinovateFall (New York), FinovateSpring (San Jose), and FinovateEurope (London), as well as regional events in Hong Kong, Dubai, and Cape Town.