Understand how your bank use customer data to build new revenue.

This paper will take you through:

  • Opportunities from Open Banking

  • Driving engagement through rewards

  • Real-time market insight

  • Data value stream

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    About this material

    Competition is intensifying in the banking sector with nimble fintech startups, technology giants and social media leaders targeting various parts of the financial services profit pool. Open banking initiatives and regulatory directives such as the European Union’s Payment Services Directive (PSD2) are set to open up data across the financial services landscape. This will give rise to data-driven innovation in the coming years - and banks need to lead the way or risk being leapfrogged by third parties.

    This edition of Meniga’s Fintech Insight Series looks at how, with the correct use of customer data, banks can expand their offering with innovative services that provide real value for them and their customers. Specifically, it explores how banks can use customer data to drive deeper engagement and build new revenue streams through personalised Card-Linked Offers (CLOs) and real-time market insights.

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