Download and find out more about Meniga's Carbon Index

This paper will take you through:

  • Why Meniga's Carbon Index is one of the most accurate in the world

  • The methodology behind Meniga's carbon calculations

  • Why it's important to have a a super accurate Carbon Index

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    About this material

    Meniga is the only Carbon Footprinting Solution with its own advanced Carbon Index which has been officially certified by one of the big four accounting firms, EY.

    What makes Meniga Carbon Index so superior?

    • Localized to each country
    • Can be used on top of any PFM system
    • Cloud-based service
    • Officially certified by EY

    Gain access to a report with the methodology behind our Carbon Index. It contains a complete bibliography for the research and data used and explains how we break down spending categories and localize emission data for different countries.

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