Why buy is better than build in digital banking - a guide to selecting the right vendor
This guide will take you through:
The opportunity in digital transformation
Why buying is (usually) the better option
What to look for in a vendor
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About this material
Digital transformation is critical to banking innovation, growth, and competitiveness. In this tech race, your digital bank is among your most critical and lucrative advantages—and it’s no surprise global spending on this area is skyrocketing towards $17 billion by 2025.
To create, update, or enhance your digital bank or mobile banking app, you need to deploy the right infrastructure and capitalise on the considerable time and resources you’ve already invested into your data systems. This leads to a crucial question: build or buy?
Read on for our recommendations on how to make the best strategic decision on the road ahead to ensure your digital bank or mobile banking app deeply engages customers and delivers on your key business outcomes.