What is Meniga Rewards?

Meniga Rewards is an app that gives you personal rewards based on your shopping behaviour. When you connect your card to Meniga Rewards, or in Sweden add the digital service Cashbacks in Nordea’s bank app, you will be able to see your available rewards. You can receive these rewards when you shop at the different brands displayed. The received reward is in the form of actual cash that will be transferred back to your card after your purchase.

Meniga Rewards is all about intelligent transactions and it is a great way for your favourite brands to reward you for your loyalty!

How does Meniga Rewards work?

When you register your Meniga Rewards account, or in Sweden add the digital service Cashbacks in Nordea’s bank app, you give your bank permission to share your card transaction data with Meniga Rewards.

When you find a reward in the app that you want to use, you simply make a payment at the displayed brand with your payment card connected to Meniga Rewards. You make a payment as usual in the store and as soon as the purchase has been registered in our system the cashback can be seen in the tab ‘Cashbacks’.   

When you make a purchase with your linked card this will show up in the Meniga Rewards app and you can also receive a push notification. If you don’t want the notifications you can easily turn them off. Just go into the tab ’Profile’ and click on ’Notifications’.

Most Popular Questions

Which banks can I link to Meniga Rewards?

At the moment Nordea, Collector and ePassi Benefits & Rewards Services have connected with Meniga Rewards in Sweden, and their cards can be linked to the app. In Finland you can link your Nordea cards.

We are constantly working on connecting more banks to Meniga Rewards.

I’m under 18 years old. Can I still use Meniga Rewards?

To use Meniga Rewards you need to be 18 years old. So, you have to wait a little longer until you can sign up.

My bank is not in the list. How can I use Meniga Rewards?

We’re sorry! If your bank is not listed in the Meniga Rewards app you cannot link your card and unfortunately not use Meniga Rewards. 

We're talking to all banks in Sweden and Finland and we hope that your bank chooses to join. Please let them know that you would wish them to do so!

I cannot link my card. What should I do?

There can be different causes for a card not being linked correctly. Please send an email to rewards.support@meniga.com and we will take a look.

I get an error while trying to link my Nordea First card. What is wrong?

The Nordea First card is a company card. At the moment only private debit and credit cards can be linked, so Nordea First cards cannot be used with Meniga Rewards and that is why the card is not visible in the card list when you try to link cards via the Meniga Rewards app or through the service Cashbacks in Nordea’s bank app.

Why do rewards disappear from the app sometimes?

A reward can disappear from your app even though you have seen it but did not use it. This is either because the budget has expired, or the reward has been limited to be used within a certain date.

I can’t find the same reward my friend has. Why?

All users don’t have the same rewards in their apps. The rewards you get are personal and you receive them based on when, where and how you shop. Therefore, you can be reached by all brands, but when depends on your purchases.

What does the symbol with the gift and padlock symbol on some rewards mean?

This is a special type of reward that you unlock by making a purchase. In the text next to the gift you can see which amount you need to reach in order for the reward to be unlocked. The reward that is unlocked can then be used on your next purchase at the store.

Using Meniga Rewards and Cashbacks

How do I activate a reward?

All rewards in Meniga Rewards are automatically activated when you make a purchase at the brand displayed in the app with your linked card. No other action is required to activate a reward.

How do I use a reward?

To use a reward, you pay full price at the point of purchase with an amount exceeding the sum of the minimum purchase displayed in the reward. As soon as we receive the transaction data, which usually takes 3 to 4 days, the cashback is registered in the app. Then the money will be deposited on your card within 1 to 2 weeks.

How do I get the current location in the Cashback in Nordea’s bank app?

If your location is not shown correctly, tap the symbol to the right and it should update to your current location.

Sometimes Cashback can have difficulties accessing the location from your device. Please check your location and privacy settings to make sure the service can access the correct information.

For iOS devices:

  • Go to Settings > Safari > Location > and checkbox Ask, then you will be asked to share your location in the application.
  • To make sure that your privacy settings are not blocking your location, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Safari Websites > and checkbox While using the app, then locations services will only use your location when you are active.

For Android devices:

  • Go to Settings > Apps > choose your default web browser (Chrome/Samsung Internet/Dolphin eg) > and choose “Permissions” where you can allow to share your location.
The purchase, for which I should receive a cashback, has not registered in Meniga Rewards. What to do?

All restaurants and stores do not always send the authorization which is the information we can show directly in the Meniga Rewards app. In these cases, we need to wait for the confirmation to arrive before the purchase can be registered. We normally receive it after 3-4 days, but in a few cases, it can take up to two weeks. Your purchase should register in the app as soon as we receive the confirmation of payment.

If your purchase has not been registered after a week, please send an email to rewards.support@meniga.com and we will look into it.

My reward did not register after my purchase. What happened?

For a reward not to register there can be several causes. Please send an email to rewards.support@meniga.com and we will look into this.

A purchase has been wrongly registered at another store. How can I change that?

Send an email to rewards.support@meniga.com with the information and we will change that for you!

How long does it take for a cashback to be deposited on my card?

Once you have used a reward and received a cashback, you will receive a note in the Meniga Rewards app. If you are using the service through Nordea’s bank app you will see the cashback in the tab ‘Cashbacks’. Your money will then be deposited on your card within 1 to 2 weeks. If you use credit cards, the cashback will appear on your statement.

The app says my cashback is paid but it has not been deposited on my card. Where is it?

It usually takes about 1 to 2 weeks from the point of purchase until the cashback is deposited on your card. So your cashback should be on its way.

If you haven’t received it after 2 weeks, send an email to rewards.support@meniga.com and we will look into it.

Who pays my cashback?

It’s the company behind the brand that delivers the reward and pays the cashback to their customers, either to encourage them to visit their store or to reward them for their loyalty.

Can I pay by invoice or other payment methods, but still use a reward from Meniga Rewards?

If you make the payment via invoice or similar, the purchase will not be registered on your Meniga Rewards account, and we will not be able to send you any cashback. 

Meniga Rewards and our service Cashbacks through Nordea’s bank app only work with your linked card(s), so in order for you to receive a cashback on your purchase, every purchase has to be made directly with the card. You cannot use an invoice, direct debit or bank transfer, as these are deducted directly from your bank account.

Can I pay through services like Paypal, Payson and Paytrail?

You can unfortunately not use Payson and Paytrail as a payment method to get cashbacks on your card. 

Paypal can be used in most cases. However, the card that is linked to Paypal needs to be the same one that you have linked to Meniga Rewards, or to the service Cashbacks in Nordea’s bank app.

Can I pay through Google Pay and still use rewards via Meniga Rewards?

If the card linked to Google Play or Apple Pay is the same one linked to Meniga Rewards, or through Nordea’s bank app, it should work as usual when you make the payment through Google Pay or Apple Pay.

Why do I receive notifications for all purchases?

The default preference is to send notifications for all purchases. If you go to the tab ‘Profile’ and then ‘Notifications’, you can change the setting to only send notifications for purchases that unlocked a reward or when a cashback has been registered or turn them off completely.

Is there a Swedish or Finnish version of the app?

The Meniga Rewards app is currently only available in English. Many of our brands choose to write their campaign texts in local languages, so most of the app's rewards are in Swedish in Sweden and Finnish in Finland.

If you live in Sweden and have a Nordea card you can, through Nordea’s bank app, add our service Cashbacks. There you have everything in Swedish, and it has the same function as the Meniga Rewards app.

Editing profile settings

I have received a new card from my bank, do I need to add it?

When you get a new card, you need to link it. Go to the 'Profile' tab in the Meniga Rewards app and then 'Linked cards'. Click 'x' on the old card and confirm with your mobile BankID/Tupas. The card will now be unlinked. Then use the button 'Link another card' on the same page to link a new card.

If you are using our service through Nordea’s bank app you go to the tab ‘Inställningar’ and ‘Hantera dina kort’ and the new card will already be in the list and you tap the button to green and then ‘Spara’ and it will be linked.

My purchases have stopped registering in Meniga Rewards. What do I do?

Have you received a replacement card, or got a new card recently? If so, you may need to link it separately in the Meniga Rewards app. Go to the tab ‘Profile’, then ‘Linked cards’ and use ‘Link another card’ to link it.

You can always unlink your existing card in the Meniga Rewards app, and then do another linking process. If your purchases still are not registering, please send an email to rewards.support@meniga.com and we will look at it.

How do I unlink a card?

In the Meniga Rewards app you unlink a card by going to the ‘Profile’ tab in the app, then ‘Linked cards’. Click the ‘x’ on the card you want to unlink, and confirm with BankID/Tupas and you will see that the card is removed.

In the service Cashbacks through Nordea’s bank app you go to ‘Inställningar’ and then ‘Hantera dina kort’ and tap the button to grey and then ‘Spara’ and it will be unlinked.

N.B. you need to have at least one card linked to be able to use our service.

How do I export my data?

You export your data directly in the app. In the tab ‘Profile’, or ‘Inställningar’ in Nordea’s bank app, you can find ‘Export your data’. Check that the email address in the field is correct and then press ‘Export your data’.

You will be asked to confirm your identity with BankID/Tupas which starts the process of collecting the data. When it is completed you will receive an email with the link to the data. This usually takes a little while.

To download the data from the link you need to confirm your identity again with BankID/Tupas. This is a security measure to make sure that only you can access your data.

I cannot unlink my card. What should I do?

There can be different causes for a card not being unlinked. Please send an email to rewards.support@meniga.com and we will look into it.

How do I close my account?

If you are using the Meniga Rewards app:

1. In the Meniga Rewards app go to the tab ‘Profile’, then ‘Delete your account’.

2. Press ‘x’ on the card(s) and sign with your BankID/Tupas to unlink your card(s).

3. By pressing ‘Delete your account’ your Meniga Rewards account will be deleted.

4. You can safely delete the app.


If you are using the service through Nordea’s bank app you can unlink your card(s) there, in ‘Hantera dina kort’ which you find under ‘Inställningar’. If you also want to delete your Meniga Rewards account and delete your data, send an email to rewards.support@meniga.com and we will close it for you.

When you delete your Meniga Rewards account all your transactions, behavior and profile information will be removed. This cannot be reversed. We have no way of re-opening your account or re-creating cashbacks, rewards or other offers.


Why are there no rewards where I live?

We are working really hard on having rewards covering all of Sweden and Finland. However, in order to offer more rewards that are available for you we need to initiate new partnerships with the brands and restaurants in your town. Moreover, we always strive to partner with online retailers that make deliveries all over Sweden and Finland.

Where can I find a list of brands in Meniga Rewards?

We have no list of brands in Meniga Rewards other than the one you see in the app. Note that the rewards in Meniga Rewards are personal and therefore, not all users will see the same rewards in the app.