Come chat with us at the Paris Fintech Forum

On the 25th and 26th January the Meniga team will be taking part in the Paris Fintech Forum at the Palais Brongniart.

On Wednesday 25 January at 4:45pm CET, our CEO Georg Ludviksson will be taking part in a panel discussion about Personal Finance solutions in Europe and the upcoming PSD2 regulation . He’ll be joined by representatives from Mooverang and Linxo to discuss consumer habits and how banks can deploy fintech tools and functionalities to better work with customers. The panel will also discuss PSD2 and the threats and opportunities the new regulatory compliance poses for financial institutions.

On Thursday 26 January, in session 7 at 2:30pm CET, Georg will be participating in an on stage presentation about Meniga and how the company is helping banks around the world improve their digital banking experience, build new revenue streams and adapt to the changing landscape of financial services.

If you’re in the area, please get in touch and we would be happy to meet you!

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Making Digital Banking Personal