Come see Georg Ludviksson speak at Money 20/20 in Amsterdam

Meet the Meniga team between 3th to 5th June at Money 20/20 — Europe’s largest fintech event — at the RAI Amsterdam.

The Meniga team is traveling to Amsterdam for Money 20/20 Europe between Monday 3th to Wednesday 5th June for the latest & greatest in fintech and digital banking.

We will be well positioned with a booth located at G124— see floor plan below.

If you’re in the area, please get in touch and we would be happy to meet you for some good conversation! Drop us a line.

How to turn PSD2 & Open Banking into Opportunity?

Meniga’s CEO & Co-founder Georg Ludviksson will be sharing insights in a panel presentation on how banks can leverage data for commercial benefit, focusing on how to turn PSD2 & Open Banking into Opportunity.

The presentation will take place on day 3, Wednesday 5th of June at 9:35 am at the Industry Transmutation Stage.

“Banking is at a crossroads. We have come a long way from the simple times of storing money and handling the exchange of currency.

At the blink of an eye, banks now need to consider user experience and app development to remain current to their customers. How can banks achieve this?

By leveraging their data.”

The Meniga team at Money 2020 last year

Regulations change the face of banking

The seismic regulatory events of 2018 changed the face of banking. The Open Banking revolution, sparked by new data laws, forced banks to up their game. Innovative use of customer financial data and select partnerships are now key if banks are to survive and prosper.

Data-driven innovation is transforming the banking sector. The introduction of the PSD2 and GDPR, simultaneously opening up and protecting consumer data, has forced banks to up their game in order to keep up with the innovative use of customer financial data by challenger banks, fintechs and social media giants. At the same time, banks must work harder than ever to build trust and a strong value proposition so that customers consent to a data-led relationship in 2019 and beyond.

Don’t miss Georg's presentation at 9:35 am on 5 June at the Industry Transmutation Stage which will cover the above and much much more! We can also share that the Meniga Money Monster will be there. Don’t worry, it doesn’t bite.

The Money Monster is a VIP guest this year

How to find the Meniga team?

We would love to invite to our booth at G124 for some coffee and good conversation on how banks can use data to provide a much better customer experience than before.

Again if you’re in the area, please get in touch and we would be happy to meet you for some good conversation! Drop us a line.

Money 20/20 is Europe’s largest fintech event. A world-class experience for European innovators across industries and company types, Money 20/20 Europe is more than just an event. It’s a catalyst for the growth and development of the payments and financial services ecosystem.

The market-leading three-day event brings together the entire payments, FinTech and financial services industry. Ideas are created, partnerships are formed and future trends are imagined.

The unparalleled senior audience is comprised of visionaries and luminaries: the people who built the ecosystem, and the people who are disrupting, challenging and changing it.