Georg Ludviksson delivers keynote at Impact Fintech Festival in Poland

Georg Ludviksson highlighted opportunities in Open Banking in a post-PSD2 world during his keynote at Impact Fintech Festival ’17 in…

Meniga CEO & co-founder, Georg Ludviksson

This week the Meniga team traveled to Katowice in Poland for the annual Impact Fintech Festival. The event is a 2-day journey into the latest and greatest in fintech and digital banking. This year’s event was focused on exploring new technologies and emerging strategies that are shifting the financial fintech field — bringing together more than 1,000 attendees and over 150 speakers from all over the world.

Full house of fintech enthusiasts, bankers, government officials, investors, journalists and more in Katowice, Poland

During his keynote presentation, Meniga CEO and co-founder Georg Ludviksson shared insights into the real threat of customer dis-intermediation between banks and their customers. The threat is posed by the upcoming PSD2 regulation, opening up banking data across European financial institutions, and new players such as big tech giants Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook as well as thousands of fintech companies entering the financial services market. Georg then went on to demonstrate how banks can turn the regulation into an opportunity by taking advantage of their data to personalise digital channels through engaging and habit forming technology such as tailored insights, card-linked offers, savings challenges and product recommendations.

Check out the highlights from the event below:

Impact Fintech Festival is an annual event in Katowice, Poland bringing to together more than 1,000 attendees such as fintech enthusiasts, bankers, government officials, investors and media, and over 150 speakers from all over the world. The event is a 2-day journey into the latest and greatest in fintech and digital banking.

For more information visit