Meniga Awarded United Nations Global Champion for Driving Digital Innovation with Positive Social…

The United Nations World Summit Award recognized leaders in digital technology with emphasis on sustainable positive social impact at the…

Georg Lúðvíksson, CEO & co-founder of Meniga, accepting the global WSA champion award at the Park Royal Hotel grand stage in Singapore along with H.E. Ahmad Alhendawi, United Nations Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth, guest of honor Gabriel Lim, Second Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Communications & Information and Prof. Peter A. Bruck, World Summit Awards Chairman.

Last Friday, 1 July, Meniga was voted Global Champion by a panel of esteemed judges at the United Nations World Summit Award (WSA), an international congress that rewards companies that have developed new technologies that demonstrate sustainable positive social impact and generally make the world a better place.

Meniga received the award for Best Digital Solution with Positive Social Impact in the category of Business & Commerce in front of representatives from the United Nations, Ministry of Communications and Information, private sector and fellow contenders at the Park Royal Hotel grand stage in Singapore. There were 400 nominees for this award category.

On 29th of June Meniga’s CEO and Co-Founder Georg Ludviksson presented his winning presentation of Meniga’s solutions and explained how they help over 35 million people worldwide improve their financial lives. Meniga was chosen as the global champion during a distinguished gala award ceremony on 1 July.

Georg Lúðvíksson, CEO & co-founder of Meniga, presenting on the grand stage at the Park Royal Hotel in Singapore on how Meniga helps over 35 million people worldwide improve their financial life.

Tremendous honour for Meniga as a socially responsible company
The WSA received roughly 400 nominations from 86 countries worldwide from Indonesia to Argentina, from UK to New Zealand. Out of all initial nominees 40 companies were selected by a jury of international information and communication technology experts in two democratic rounds which were then allowed to give an on-stage pitch as part of the final round at the WSA congress in Singapore.

The purpose of the WSA is to reward companies that have excelled in the development of new technologies that demonstrate positive social impact.

“Financial literacy and smart financial behavior, or lack thereof, is one of the big topics of our time. Way too many people in every country, including people with good income, have little or no savings to fall back on when life throws them a curveball. The main reason for founding Meniga 7 years ago was our strong belief that we could improve quality of live tremendously by using technology and data science to help and motivate people to better understand and manage their finances. This has been our overarching mission ever since and we are thrilled to receive this distinguished encouragement from the United Nations through the World Summit Award. This award is first and foremost about recognizing positive social impact, which has been a guiding light of our business from day one.”, said Mr. Ludviksson, CEO of Meniga.

The Meniga team was honored to receive the WSA award for positive social impact. Meniga’s mission from the beginning has been to help people lead better financial lives and improve financial literacy worldwide.

WSA congress in Singapore was a four day conference with distinguished keynote speakers, on-stage pitches, workshops and gala award ceremony — all aimed at discussing and promoting best practices in digital innovation with sustainable positive social impact. The conference was moderated by Prof. Peter A. Bruck, World Summit Awards Chairman.

Prof. Peter A. Bruck, World Summit Awards Chairman.

“To drive meaningful and relevant digital innovation, you have to connect people. With the WSA we recognise innovation of tomorrow already today. This year’s winners are an excellent selection of this momentum, matching local solutions to local needs.” WSA Chairman Peter A. Bruck stated.

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