Meniga’s Asia Snapshots — Episode 2 with EY

We take you inside the minds of APAC’s groundbreaking digital banking leaders. This week’s guest is EY’s Partner and Digital Practice Lead Anushman Singh.

For our second instalment of Asia Snapshots, we were fortunate enough to have Partner and Digital Practice Lead at EY’s Financial Services Anushman Singh join us in the series.

With over 20 years of experience in financial services, Singh specializes in digital strategy and transformation, making him the ideal guest to sit down with Kanika Mittal for this quick but informative interview.

Mittal had the opportunity to ask Singh to share his thoughts on fintechs and how they interact with traditional financial institutions as well as his thoughts on the future of financial services.

So if you’re interested in hearing expert’s opinion on the future of digital banking, this 5-minute video packed with insights will no disappoint!

Meanwhile, it's day 2 at the Singapore Fintech Festival which has kicked off in full swing with 24 hours content for 5 days. The first 2 days have been quite interesting and we are excited to see more.

If you would like to hear how Meniga can help banks use data to boost customer engagement and revenue through digital banking then don't hesitate to get in touch!