Michal Bezak shared insights at Fintech Summit in Sofia, Bulgaria

The FinTech Summit is designed to answer the question: How will Fintech reshape the future of financial services, bringing together 350+…

The FinTech Summit is designed to answer the question: How will Fintech reshape the future of financial services, bringing together 350+ CEOs and decision makers from the financial sector, business world, banks, investors and fintech enthusiasts.

This week Michal Bezak, Head of Strategy & Partnerships at Meniga traveled to Sofia in Bulgaria and shared his insights in a panel entitled ‘ Successful Ecosystems and Benchmarks’ along with an esteemed fellow panelists Nir Netzer, Founding Partner at Equitech, Daniel Döderlein​, Founder & CEO of Auka, Katharina Lueth, Head of Europe at Raisin and Brad van Leeuwen, Head of Partnerships at Railsbank. The panel was moderated by Levon Hampartzoumian, Chairman and CEO, UniCredit Bulbank.

Backstage selfie of the panelists

The financial industry faces the challenge to innovate at its fastest pace ever, mostly due to the growth of fintech and the changes in consumer behavior and preferences. The pressure to innovate has driven financial companies to move many aspects of their business to the next level in order to stay relevant and top-of-mind.

We would like to thank all panelists for a very interesting discussion!

The FinTech Summit in Sofia, Bulgaria is designed to answer the question: How will Fintech reshape the future of financial services. Fintech Summit brings together 350+ CEOs and decision makers from the financial sector and the business, banks, payment providers, insurance and pension companies, investment companies, VCs, IT experts, founders of fintech companies, investors, consultants, lawyers, auditors, government and regulatory associations.