Kanika Mittal speaks at Nordic Fintech Insights on the landscape of digital banking in 2021

Nordic Innovation House Singapore invites regional head Kanika Mittal to join the panel for their most recent episode of Nordic Fintech Insights.

It’s safe to say that very few of us could have predicted all that 2020 had in store for us. 3 months into 2021 and there’s little sign of Covid-19 loosening its grip, but as odd as it sounds, we find ourselves in a more secure position. The shock of the pandemic has faded, the dust from the world being turned upside down has settled, and systems and practices are moving forward in this new reality.

While the topic is one that we are all too familiar with, echoing the pivots that banks have had to make for the increased reliance on mobile banking and the rise in consciousness towards financial planning, the business directives for 2021 were somewhat less predictable.

“We saw a tremendous shift towards people being carbon conscious, not just in the Nordics but in APAC markets specifically. One study shows that as of 2020, consumers are willing to pay 66% more for sustainable brands.”

Kanika Mittal
Kanika Mittal, Regional Head — APAC Mittal touches on the fight against climate change as a big initiative for banks in 2021

These statistics show a global readiness for business, products, and banks that offer a tangible solution towards the fight against climate change.

Carbon Insight is Meniga’s solution for banks to help customers with the fight against climate change.

Nordic House innovation Singapore invited 3 leaders in the fintech space, Meniga’s Regional Head — APAC, Kanika Mittal, Mike Weir, Managing Director at EedenBull and Sebastian Zilliacus, Vice President of Zignsec to talk a bit about how they foresee 2021 to be and how the fintech space will respond.

Moderated by Sami Jääskeläinen, Community Director, Nordic Innovation House Singapore he asked the panel 3 questions:

  • Looking back on 2020, what was the biggest shift for their business
  • What do you foresee as the biggest learnings for 2021
  • Are there any advantages to being a Nordic fintech in Southeast Asia?

In case you missed the live event, you can watch the entire episode here.

And if you would like to hear more about Carbon Insight that Kanika covered in her breakout session, you can catch her insights here

About Nordic Innovation House

Nordic Innovation House is a unique collaboration with the Nordic countries. They are a bridge connecting the cold corners of the globe with the main hotspots around the world. With backing from Nordic Innovation, they bring Nordic entrepreneurship, values, and the Nordic way of doing business to the global innovation ecosystem.

They give Nordic companies, from startups to corporations, a head start in the most relevant global innovation hubs.