Fintech Finance hosts forum to discuss “Banks going Green”

Scotiabank, Rabobank, and Meniga talk about how banks can answer their customer’s need to be sustainable, how the pandemic has affected this strategy, and plans to go forward.

Ali Paterson from Fintech Finance brought together Meniga’s CMO & VP of Business Development Bragi Fjalldal, Scotiabank’s VP of Social Impact and Sustainability Sandra Odendahl, and Rabobank’s Head of Sustainable Business Alain Cracau to moderate a discussion about how green initiatives are active and relevant despite the current pandemic.

2020, the year of the pandemic. It’s the biggest and most pertinent topic for good reason. Talk of climate change and the environment has taken a back seat and so it would be safe to assume that companies would be deprioritizing their CSR strategies.

Surprisingly, this doesn’t seem to be the case when it comes to banks.

There is a growing trend in people who want to understand their carbon footprint.

Banks are in a unique position to make tracking carbon footprint a mainstream thing.

Bragi Fjalldal
Bragi Fjalldal, Meniga’s CMO Marketing and VP of Business Development

Moreover, Odendahl from Scotiabank believes that the pandemic has in fact created a more inclusive attitude towards how we tackle climate change.

Pandemic has proved we are all in this together and individual choices have an impact on the collective. The question is if that frame of mind carry over post pandemic?

Sandra Odendahl, Scotiabank’s VP of Social Impact and Sustainability

Sustainability is about a new way of working together, and how this up and coming generation will make a difference. Despite corona, very busy with green schemes.

Alain Cracau, Rabobank’s Head of Sustainable Business

Talking all things ESG, Ali covered the desire from customers for ESG as well as the bank’s strategies to meet this demand. He asks the panel:

  • How can banks empower their customers to track and take action of their carbon footprint?
  • Do you think that investing in ESG funds is an effective way of driving customer engagement?
  • What effect do you think the pandemic as a whole has had on ESG?

If you’re at all curious about how banks and fintechs are facing green initiatives, be sure to watch this short and insightful digital forum.

Watch the episode below

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