How to gain, retain and monetise customers through meaningful engagement

This playbook will take you through:

  • The necessity for digital innovation

  • The 3 pillars of digital customer engagement

  • Real-life examples of highly engaging services from banks

  • How to drive digital sales through meaningful engagement

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    About this material

    In banking, customers are your most important asset. From growing revenues to enhancing competitiveness, every aspect of your financial success depends on the ability to attract and retain customers, as well as drive their adoption of new products or services. Meaningful engagement lies at the heart of achieving this.

    Engagement is a simple concept: when customers spend more time using your services, they’ll be more loyal and more ready to explore other products you recommend. Meaningful engagement goes even deeper. In banking terms, this is about transitioning from a distant transactional institution into a truly indispensable partner that enriches the lives of its customers.