Data Discovery

Our powerful solution Correlator uses AI and machine learning to enable your bank to identify valuable customer segments and predict the behaviour of customer groups.

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Data Discovery

increase in
credit cards sales

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Identify and create

customer segments

Today’s digital banking is all about
personalisation. Meniga Correlator is an
essential tool to know your customers better.

  • Enable your bank to identify key customer segments by demographics, customer characteristics and behaviours
  • Utilise “look-alike” segments to target the right customers

Upsell and cross-sell
products at the right time

By predicting significant financial or life events such as buying a car, having a child or buying a home, banks can create target segments for products such as credit cards, savings accounts, and mortgages.

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Predict spending

Meniga Correlator explores and models how transaction data relates to the behaviour or characteristics of customer segments. Predict individual customer spending.

  • Merchants (from the smallest corner store to the big chain brands)
  • Categories (Home, Income, Health & Beauty...the list is endless)
  • Market (based on geography)
  • Any other derived transaction class (shopping online, specific postal code and more)

Stay ahead with
proactive fraud detection

Detect unusual transactions and find
merchants that have had customers credit
card details stolen.

Empower your sales
and marketing team

Deliver automatic and targeted insights and ready-made notifications to each of your customer segments.

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