A platform for creating a hyper-personalised digital bank

Build data-driven campaigns with insights that are personalised and delivered in real-time

Customer centricity is at the heart of your digital bank - but do your customers know that they are your priority?

Banks continue to invest in creating a great digital bank for their customers, but seeing as how 3 out 4 customers only use their banking app for the basic functions, it’s clear that this lack of engagement leaves room for improvement.

The path towards deeper engagement is embracing the individuality of each customer. Go beyond generic notifications and provide the right financial advice to the right customer, at the right time, and in the right context.

Meniga’s Plug & Play Engagement Platform

Create, manage and deliver hyper-personalised insights to customers in real-time through push or pull notifications.

We are experts in helping banks reach business outcomes

Increase Customer Loyalty & Retention

The best way to increase engagement is to build trust through hyper-personalised insights and advice.

Drive Revenue growth of Digital Sales

Build on that engagement and promote products to the right customers at the right time – thereby increasing digital sales.

Maximise potential across Digital Channels

Maximise ROI by delivering insights across all channels and creating a holistic digital banking experience.